The CDHG history
The Coorparoo & Heritage Districts Group was formed in April 1991 as a non-political group. Its predecessor was the Camp Hill Ward Heritage Advisory Committee, formed by the then Brisbane City Council Alderman Richard Jeffreys, to advise on heritage issues within the district. Richard Jeffreys was elected the group’s first President and Ron Baker Vice-President. Ron Baker took over as President in 1993. The group has met continually every two months since establishment.
When the group was established there was not a history society in the area, and it was considered time for one to be formed to collect information about the district. Since then, surveys of streets have been carried out , older residents interviewed, and information on types of houses collected.
For the past seven years the group has been conducting a bus tour in October to various Brisbane suburbs of interest in place of the normal bi-monthly meeting.
The first public meeting of the group was held on 1 June 1991 at the Presbyterian Church, Emlyn St. Coorparoo. The first speaker was Mr. Laurie Jones who spoke on the topic How to Date Your House.
Display material
Over almost three decades our group has mounted displays on numerous topics such as: The sinking of the RMSS Quetta in October 1890. Our link with the Quetta is through Reuben Nicklin who together with his wife perished when the ship foundered on unchartered rocks in the Torres Strait. Reuben Nicklin lived in Hatherton now the Queen Alexandra Home Community Centre.
Other displays include Panorama of Brisbane – South of the River, Stones Corner Photographs, Our Community Heritage, Greenslopes and other minor displays.

The CDHG history
Books in our library are available for loan to financial members.
Photographic collection
Our group has a collection of photographs of places of interest in the district. The group is always interested in receiving more photographs. Any photographs loaned to us are copied and returned to the owner.